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Let us consider that we have drug IC50 data for a new pri mary tumor after appl

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 Let us consider that we have drug IC50 data for a new pri mary tumor after appl Empty Let us consider that we have drug IC50 data for a new pri mary tumor after appl

Post  jy9202 Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:30 am

Consequently, there has been a recent emphasis on employing Amuvatinib 850879-09-3 human primary cells as well as cell lines to allow delineation of the underlying mechanisms of toxicity. While human cell lines are de rived from either cancer cells or have been transformed using viral genes or DNA alkylating or oxidizing reactions and thus bear little resemblance to normal human cells, employing human primary cells would be the most opti mal solution. However, human primary cells are difficult to obtain in sufficient amounts for obvious reasons and thus demand thinking of potential alternatives. Indeed, the porcine kidney is anatomically and physiolo gically comparable with the human and can be ob tained without real restrictions and at relatively low costs.

More importantly one of the real caveats in using cells in vitro is the variable expression of transporters, buy AT-406 the type of transporters expressed, the level of expression, the homology amino acid identity and tertiary and quaternary structures of the transporters as well as the transporter type distribution within a given anatomical subunit e. g. the proximal tubule epithelial cells at the basal membrane of the luminal surface. Indeed, of the many human trans porters known, at least the fully sequenced porcine trans porters have a higher structural amino acid identity to the human homologues than those of either mice or rats. The latter is also critical when kinetics as well as dynamics of given compounds that need active or passive transport across membranes are considered, as the higher the hom ology to the human transporter the higher the likelihood that transport affinity and capacity are similar in the hu man and porcine homologues for the compound.

This as sumption is supported by data available for OAT1 and to some extent also for OAT3, whereas for other transporters insufficient data is available for comparison. However, in order to AG-490 133550-30-8 employ primary porcine kidney cells and their subsequent cell strain for compound assessment it is crucial to demonstrate the types and levels of transporters expressed, their function ality as well as their consistent expression over several cell culture passages. In order to address the latter points of characterization, primary PKC were generated from kidneys obtained from German hy brid pigs and cultured over several days and passages.

The latter resulted in a PKC cell strain with a finite lifespan according to the traditional definition. Moreover, as transporters are expressed at the basolateral or luminal side of renal epithelial cells only, compounds for testing transport functionality were chosen that need two differ ently localized transporters for cellular uptake and excre tion, respectively. Finally in order to determine whether the expression of given transporters are hormone or sub strate dependent, specific treatments were employed to detect differences in expression transporter levels. In addition, two continuous cell lines of rat and porcine origin that are often used in in vitro renal toxicology were run alongside for comparison.


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Join date : 2013-12-18

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